Talking about Write/Speak/Code on CodeNewbie

Posted on December 18, 2015

I was super excited to speak to my former coworker, Saron Yitbarek, on her amazing podcast CodeNewbie. She's created an incredible community dedicated to supporting new developers. Listen to my interview here.

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Javascript and Ruby on Rails at Chicago Ruby Meetup at Blue1647

This was a really fun talk to give to beginners. I tried to demystify how Javascript works in general and with Rails.

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The Path to Becoming a Developer :: Skillcrush Masterclass

Recently, I had the honor of doing a Skillcrush Masterclass on the Path to Becoming a Developer. I talked about how I became a developer, mining your own experience, and presented on the 4 things you can do now to become a professional developer: (more…)

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How do databases work?

I put together this presentation to explain database concepts to people just learning Rails. Expect to learn: How databases store data Primary key, foreign key, and index in a database What is an algorithm and data structure? (more…)

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