Your search for devopsdays returned 3 results.
Building resilience in our organizations, our teams, and ourselves at DevOpsDays Chicago 2016
Really excited to get to speak at DevOpsDays Chicago again. It's an amazing community that values collaboration and communication as much as I do. The whole team behind DevOpsDays Chicago and DevOpsDays in general are great people. This was my first Ignite talk and I found it super stressful. I think I'm better when I can ramble and adapt to the audience. :) ...
Frameworks for Feedback at DevOpsDays ATL 2016
Sorry if you're getting fatigued seeing me give this talk. I am thrilled that's it's been so popular and I think it's really telling of the things people are craving to learn and understanding.
Frameworks for Feedback at DevOpsDays Chicago 2015 [Updated: with video!]
I gave a talk on "Frameworks for Feedback" at DevOpsDays Chicago. The organizers asked me to add in a little about diversity and microaggressions, so it's pretty jam-packed, but seemed to be well received. Also, the DevOps community is awesome. (more…)